Monday, July 26, 2010


Since I've hit the coast I've seen at least 100 of the following:
  • Bikers. As in bicyclists, not motorcyclists. It's big summer fun to ride your bike up or down the windy hilly coastline on a tiny ass road with lanes barely big enough for the cars. I have nothing against sharing the road but my god I didn't realize so many people found this to be summertime fun. it must be what they are doing for their vacation too because it's gotta take them hella-long to get whever the hell they are going. The question I kept asking myself was: when they get whever they are going - do they turn around and go the other way or does someone pick them up?
  • Old Fashioned Cars. Really old ones. I don't know my cars well enough but Model A and Model T came to mind. There must have been one serious car show somewhere on the coast this last weekend or I keep flashing back in time.
  • Vultures. Until I first came to CA way back when with Kerry and she pointed out the turkey-vultures (I think that's what she called them?) I didn't realize that we had vultures in the US. We do and they like the coast. At one point I saw a giant vortex of death with about 10 of them and I wondered what was almost dead on the ground. I would have taken a picture but it was really hard to get a focused picture of any birds while I was driving...
  • Broken Dreams. This sounds sad but I find it more intruiging. Along the drive there are always empty businesses, abandoned houses, or old barns that have collapsed roofs and I wonder to myself: who built that and why? why did they build it and why did it fail to thrive? It's fascinating to me and I plan to blog more about it in another post.
  • Log Art. I do not know why this is so popular. Who wants to haul home a log that has been roughly chainsawed to look like a bear? I guess if that was your decor, sure, but somehow I think there are far fewer people with the rustic log-cabin look than there are pieces of art begging for a yard to be planted in. I may be interested in someone was selling a realistic pirate or mermaid figurehead, but you just don't see many of those, and frankly they would clash with my decor anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I love the coast. That has always been our get away. It would be scorching hot in Vancouver and we would take off. I don't blame you for taking the extra time.
