Monday, July 26, 2010

Departure Morning

The summer of spontanaeity is going well so far and this trip may just be the apex of my adventures. It's odd to feel so footloose and fancy free. I have a direction and some suggested stops and that's it. I'm free to go anywhere and do anything along the way, the trick will be to figure out what that is. It's harder when you are travelling alone to be prone to those last minute stops, but I'm determined to not allow that to get in my way. We'll see how it goes.

Car is packed. Husband has been kissed farewell. Just need to load the cooler and I'm ready to take off. My cousin is coming into town today and I'd like to see her before I leave or I have to wait until next year. Once that's done I'm outtie.

I am taking the computer (of course) and will blog along the way...


  1. You're going by yourself?! HOW FUN!!!!! Bring reading material! Flashlight(s), batteries. Have a great time - I can't wait to read all about it along the way!

  2. What an adventure! You forgot the mind altering substances, without which, you'll never have your Hunter S. Thompson moment.

  3. Vance is right, you know. They're in the secret compartment at the bottom of the lantern I loaned to you. Have fun!
